E-Learning Experiences
Acero staff members have started to identify resources and create plans for the possibility of distance learning. Our goal is that you are prepared with a list of resources you can use with your child in the event that Acero needs to close schools for the health and wellbeing of a school community. In the event of a school closure, you can find your student’s e-learning experience materials on this webpage. Here is a quick link that will take you directly to the appropriate webpage: http://tiny.cc/CisnerosELearning. We also encourage you to bookmark this webpage for ease of access.
Your student should have recently brought home paper-based materials that may be leveraged in the instance that your student does not have access to the internet/tech device at home. These materials are referenced in the links below, as well. Thank you for your continued partnership!
E-Learning Plans, K-6 & Cornerstones
E-Learning Plans, Middle School (7th & 8th)
E-Learning Plans, Language and Learning Supports
Parent Communications
Important Links